Este tigre blanco reside en el zoo de Singapur y es precioso. Tiene la nariz rosa y los ojos azules. Es una de las 5 especies de tigres que aún no han desaparecido, pero desgraciadamente sólo viven en zoos. El tigre de Bali, por ejemplo, es una de las especies que extinguieron a manos del hombre. Antiguamente los cazaban porque se pensaba que partes de su cuerpo tenían propiedades curativas. En su cabeza el tigre porta las rayas que forman el símbolo chino para TIGRE.
This white tiger lives in the Singapore zoo and it´s gorgeous. Its nose is pink and its eyes are blue. This is one of the 5 tiger species that have not yet disappeared, but unfortunately currently, white tigers are only found in captivity worldwide, with about one hundred being found in India.
The Bali tiger was hunted to extinction. On the one hand the island was not big enough for both humans and tigers, when humans began to populate the island, tigers didn´t have anywhere to move to. On the other hand they were hunted to sell its parts and this was a very lucrative business.
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